Supports In The Community
Newcomers Guide
The City of Edmonton has created a valuable resource to assist newcomers to Canada that includes a 63 page PDF document – We highly recommend that you take the time to look at this link.
Health Link
Health Link is your trusted source of health information.
If you have a health related question, please dial 811 for real time answers and support or at this link.
Bringing people and services together. Find the information you need about community, health, social and government services
across the province.
211 can help you find basic needs (food, clothing, shelter and financial support) employment resources parenting support counselling/support groups health care legal services and MUCH more…
Distress Line
780-482-4357 (HELP) The 24-hours Distress Line is available 7 days a week The Distress Line provides confidential, non-judgmental and short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress. We also support family, friends and caregivers of people in crisis.

Additional Resources
Landlord and Tenant Advisory Board
Phone: 780-496-5959.
*Select option 2.